About Me

My name is Megan. I am the mother to 4 beautiful children with one on the way! I am married to a rugged and handsome man who is very supportive of me and my endeavors. I have always had an interest in the medical field but never felt good about prescription medications, because of this I never pursued my dream of becoming a nurse and in time I learned that may never have been the Lord's plan for me. My oldest child was born with spina bifida which had me searching the web and trying as many natural remedies as possible. We have gone through lots of heart ache, trial and error choosing between modern medicine and alternative medicine, trying to stay in balance. I have always felt like I will find a way to heal him and that I would tell others my story. This blog is a way to share what I have learned and to track progress with the remedies that we are trying at home. I hope to inspire, motivate and educate you so that you can find your own hope and healing that I know is out there for you.

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